Let Ellis Dental Help You Earn Your Dental Merit Badge — Ellis Dental | St. Louis Family and Sleep Apnea Dentist | Dr. Holly Ellis

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Let Ellis Dental Help You Earn Your Dental Merit Badge

With more than 130 merit badges to choose from why not pick one that is fun and might even help direct you towards a rewarding career path? And even if you decide dentistry isn’t for you, at least you’ll have the opportunity to learn about your teeth and how to keep them healthy! The requirements for this badge will have you working with your counselor to learn to read a dental X-ray and all the different parts of a tooth. You’ll draw a lower molar and label its specific areas and surfaces including blood vessels and nerves as well as learn about the causes of tooth decay and gum disease.

Ellis Dental and the Dental Merit Badge for Boy Scouts

Ellis Dental and the Dental Merit Badge for Boy Scouts

After you have a basic knowledge and understanding of your teeth, it’s time to go visit your dentist in person. And this is where Ellis Dental comes in! Dr. Ellis will give you a dental exam and then one of our hygienists will talk about plaque-control. Try to take notes so when you meet with your counselor again, you’ll be able to discuss what went on during your appointment as well as have the necessary information to meet the additional badge requirements.

Now comes the really fun part! Make an oversized model tooth out of materials like clay, papier-mâché or wax and demonstrate proper brushing and flossing. Design a poster or write a feature story on tooth decay and how to prevent it. Include what a dentist does when decay is discovered along with different types of fillings and other treatments.

Dr. Ellis and her entire staff at Ellis Dental would welcome the opportunity to help you in earning your Boy Scout Dentistry Merit Badge! Call us today at 314.695.1334 for more information.