
Why Do I Need A Crown?

Ellis Dental Crown

Ellis Dental Crown

You have a tooth that is getting a bit uncomfortable so you finally break down and call the dentist thinking it’s nothing more than a cavity or maybe a slight crack. Then the next thing you know you’re being told you need a crown installed. What is a crown and why do you need one?A dental crown is a tooth “cap” constructed from a variety of materials including stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, or other metals such as gold alloy which is then cemented over the remaining existing tooth.Your dentist will first make a putty impression of your tooth and then build a temporary acrylic crown. Those same impressions are sent to a dental lab where the permanent crown will be constructed. When the permanent crown is ready to be cemented, the fit, shading and bite will all be checked, the crown will then be cemented into place and you are ready to go. Now that you know a bit about how and what a crown is, why do you need one?

  • To save a tooth that has a large filling and not a great deal of natural tooth left.
  • To join or secure a bridge.
  • To hold a cracked tooth together, cover a badly decayed tooth or a tooth that has been worn down.
  •  To cover a tooth that is misshapen or noticeably different in color.

Crowns are necessary for a variety of reasons, some for your dental health and some for cosmetic purposes. It is important to discuss with your dentist any concerns you may have if a crown is recommended. Looking for a great caring dentist in and around Crestwood/Sunset Hills? Call Ellis Dental today at 314.965.1334 for more information.

Photo: Health Requirements

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

After implant is placed via Ellis Dental 

After implant is placed via Ellis Dental 

Remember as a kid going to visit your grandparents and seeing (and probably being fascinated by) a full set of false teeth soaking in a glass of water? As dental science progressed, bridges, crowns, and partials were used in place of dentures whenever possible.Then in 1986, after over 20 years of research, the American Dental Association approved titanium tooth implants. Since then, dental implants have tripled in popularity with a success rate of over 90 percent for first time procedures. In layman’s terms an implant is an artificial tooth root which is surgically placed in the jawbone and followed by a crown put on top of it to replace the original tooth. Implants are normally done by a dentist, periodontist, or oral surgeon in their office under local or twilight anesthesia. Usually after a day of soft food and over the counter pain meds, you are back to normal with a great new tooth (or teeth) to show off! Are dental implants right for you?

After final crown via Ellis Dental 

After final crown via Ellis Dental 

  • Jawbones can eventually change shape and deteriorate when a tooth is lost. Since an implant is placed into the jawbone, that empty space is filled, preventing bone deterioration.
  • Implants look natural unlike a full set of dentures or a partial that includes metal bands and clips.
  • Dentures can slip, while bridges and crowns can be temperature sensitive, making eating uncomfortable. Because implants are more like real teeth, mealtime is more enjoyable.
  • Maintenance is no more time consuming than regular brushing and flossing. No messy special cleaners, gels, pastes or glues are required.

Please contact Ellis Dental today at 314.965.1334 for more information.