Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized branch of dental care comprised of numerous procedures. Often people will seek cosmetic dental solutions even when their teeth are healthy simply because they aren’t happy with their appearance. If the condition of your teeth makes you reluctant to interact with people in the workplace or in a social setting, this can quickly begin to erode your self confidence. Lack of good self esteem can have a huge impact on everything from personal relationships to professional success
Many people seeking cosmetic dental assistance have suffered an accident, injury or medical condition leaving them with teeth which are not aesthetically pleasing. Or perhaps they grew up in a household where dental hygiene was never a priority and as a result now have decayed misshaped teeth. Others are finally driven to consult a dentist because these oral traumas have made it painful to eat or drink. Obviously if rotten teeth and physical discomfort are present, these concerns need to be addressed as soon as possible. There are so many options, both long and short term, which can reduce a person’s pain making it much easier to take in nourishment as well as improve their physical appearance. Plus we now know tooth decay and periodontal disease have serious health ramifications and need to be addressed in a timely manner.
Ellis Dental is concerned with all your dental needs. We believe no one should ever experience dental pain and we also understand completely the correlation between a beautiful healthy smile and good self esteem. If you experience pain when chewing, drinking a cold or hot beverage, have a chipped tooth, are missing a tooth or have those old unattractive metal fillings please call us today at 314.965.1334 and let’s discuss how we can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.
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